SPACE RACE takes hit as Elon Musk filmed smoking WEED launching review

Elon Musk chats with Joe Rogan while smoking WEED

NASA contracted Mr Musk’s company to fly astronauts to the International Space Station but is allegedly having second thoughts following the tech giant’s behaviour on the “Joe Rogan Experience” in September, according to The Washington Post. In the video, the South African-born American can be seen sharing a joint with his host, as well as sipping whiskey. After host Joe Rogan lights the blunt, Mr Musk looks quizzical.

He asks: “So is that a joint, or is that a cigar?”

Mr Rogan explains: “No, it’s marijuana inside tobacco.”

An intrigued Mr Musk clarified: “So it’s like posh pot tobacco.

“Yeah, I think I tried one once.”

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His host scoffs, saying: “Oh, come on man.

“You probably can’t because of stockholders, right?”

The business magnet responds: “I mean it’s legal, right?”

After being assured that it is, Mr Musk has a big puff and continues to look intrigued and confused.

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When Mr Rogan asks “do people get upset at you if you do certain things?”, he receives no answer and the two soon change the subject.

The review, set to begin next year, will examine “everything and anything that could impact safety,” a NASA associate administrator told The Post.

A NASA spokesman declined to comment to The Post on why it decided to launch the review but said it would “ensure the companies are meeting NASA’s requirements for workplace safety, including the adherence to a drug-free environment.”

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine warned that “culture and leadership start at the top.”

He continued: “If I see something that’s inappropriate, the key concern to me is what is the culture that led to that inappropriateness and is NASA involved in that.

“As an agency, we’re not just leading ourselves, but our contractors as well. We need to show the American public that when we put an astronaut on a rocket, they’ll be safe.”

SpaceX is gearing up for its first flights with astronauts outside the US.

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