World War 3 fears grow as German official warns public to ‘be ready’ for battle

The world is on the verge of war and everyone needs to “prepare to defend yourselves,” a leading German official has warned.

Germany's Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorious made the comments in conversation with local broadcaster ZDF. He said, when asked about Israel's war with Hamas and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, that war is something we should “get used to”.

The 63-year-old said: “We have to get used to the idea that there could be a threat of war in Europe. We have to become ready for war. Everything that has been messed up in 30 years, sorry to say that, and run down cannot be made up for in 19 months.

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“If we take the turning point seriously, Germany must do more to ensure its security – for this we will need a lot of money for the Bundeswehr (the Germany army).”

The ominous warning comes just a few days after tech billionaire and Twitter/X owner Elon Musk claimed that the world was “sleepwalking into World War 3.” It was the relationship between Russia and China which prompted Musk's comments in an X-hosted discussion, and has led to many now taking a possible looming war seriously – such as Boris Pistorious.

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SpaceX head Musk warned of Russia getting friendly with the likes of China and Iran – and in recent days, Hamas – and wondered whether it spelled disaster for western nations. He said: “We need to figure out peace in Ukraine, and I think we need to restore normal relations with Russia.

“World War III is a civilizational risk that we may not recover from. So we need to prioritize avoiding World War III, that’s what actually matters,” he said. “And not what happened in World War I and have a regional conflict rapidly become a global conflict.” However, Musk has seemingly chosen sides in both wars, taking his Starlink satellites out of Ukraine, while giving them to Gaza instead in recent months.

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