The jungle city so full of elderly Brits it’s been dubbed the new Benidorm

Elderly Brits are swapping UK care homes for a more luxurious lifestyle in a stunning jungle city.

There is a surge of British retirees who hanker after a more fun-packed experience in later life than they’d get at care homes in the – and are heading to Thailand.

Care Resort Chiang Mai is a retirement facility that offers 24-hour nursing care in a beautiful city – and more than half of its residents are now from the UK, reports The Telegraph. 

Peter Mallard, a 75-year old retired hospital manager, and his wife Rita, 81, now live at Care Resort Chiang Mai, in Chiang Mai, after moving from Eastbourne in February.

Peter said: “People have the feeling, certainly as you get older, that you’re going to be stuck in a room in a lounge playing bingo once a week … whereas you just can’t compare [to Thailand].

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Rita said: “Friends thought we were mad.”

But, adds Rita, that their move to the Thailand tourist hotspot is the “best move” they’ve made.

According to Age UK the weekly price of a care home in Britain is £800 and with nursing care £1,078 a week. In Thailand £500 more would cover monthly costs with 24-hour care.

But there are limitations – as to become resident in such a resort individuals need a retirement visa which requires a monthly income of around £1,500 or savings as well as health insurance.

Chiang Mai is the largest city in northern Thailand and is the capital of Chiang Mai province.

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It is the second largest city in Thailand and located 435 miles north of Bangkok in a mountainous region called the Thai highlands.

The region pulls in millions of tourists each year who want to sample the area’s rich culture, heritage and beautiful landscape and scenery.

Money saving website Wise explains more about the popular jungle city location that Brits are flocking to.

It said: “This budget-friendly northern city is home to many expats and retirees from the UK, who go to Chiang Mai for its calm, laid-back atmosphere.

“In the centre, there’s an ancient walled city dotted with historic temples, while the rest of modern Chiang Mai is known for its excellent markets, bars and restaurants.

“If you love outdoor pursuits, the misty mountains surrounding the city are ideal for hiking, cycling and adventure.”

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