New Argentine President Milei unleashes anti-woke rant against Lefties

Argentina’s new President Javier Milei really doesn’t like the left

Populist Javier Milei resoundingly won Argentina’s presidential election Sunday, swinging the country to the right following a fiercely polarised campaign in which he promised a dramatic shake-up to the state to deal with soaring inflation and rising poverty.

Speaking to Argentinian TV ahead of the election, the populist leader delivered a powerful anti-woke rant against his left-wing opponents.

He blasted: “You can’t give s**t leftards an inch. All collectivists, all kinds of collectivists. […] They are s**t!

“If you think differently from them they will kill you. This is the point. You can’t give s**t leftists an inch, if you give them an inch they will use it to destroy you.

“You can’t negotiate with leftards. You don’t negotiate with trash because they will end you!

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“If they – the left – if it’s one of them, he puts on the (pro-abortion) green scarf and yells about neoliberalism all the time, they hide it.

“If suddenly there’s a journalist that molests another journalist, they hide it. When it’s one of them, they hide it. They hide all of those aberrations.

“Now, if you are on the other side, they will ruin you. They will kill you, they will throw you everything, they don’t care if they ruin your whole life. Why? Only because you don’t think like them.”

He continued: “And do you know what’s the good part in all of this? Because since to err is human, since everyone can be mistaken, they force us to be better. And since we are getting better than them, since we are crushing them in the cultural battle, we’re not only superior economically, we are morally superior, we are aesthetically superior, we are better than them in everything, and that triggers them.

“And since they can’t beat us with real arguments they just use the repressive apparatus of the state with loads of taxpayer money to destroy us and yet they’re still losing!”

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With 99.4 per cent of votes tallied in the presidential runoff, Milei had 55.7 percent and Economy Minister Sergio Massa 44.3 percent, according to Argentina’s electoral authority. It is the highest percentage that a presidential candidate has received since the South American country’s return to democracy in 1983.

In the streets of Buenos Aires, drivers honked their horns and many took to the streets to celebrate in several neighbourhoods. Outside Milei’s party headquarters, a hotel in downtown Buenos Aires, a full-on party kicked off with supporters singing, buying beers from vendors and setting off coloured smoke bombs. They waved Argentine flags and the yellow Gadsden flag, embellished with the words “Don’t Tread On Me,” which Milei’s movement has adopted.

Inside, the self-described anarcho-capitalist who has been compared to former US President Donald Trump, delivered his victory speech, saying the “reconstruction of Argentina begins today”.

“Argentina’s situation is critical. The changes our country needs are drastic. There is no room for gradualism, no room for lukewarm measures,” Milei told supporters, who chanted “Liberty, liberty!” and “Let them all leave” in a reference to the country’s political class.

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