Exact date Britain will be engulfed by 920-mile Arctic snow and ice blast

The whole of the UK looks set to suffer an Arctic blast as a 920-mile-long wall of cold weather brings snow and ice just days from now. From Land’s End to Lerwick, maps from WXCharts show that the entire country has at least some chance of snow on December 21 and 22.

But in northern England, Scotland and Highlands and Islands it’s likely several inches of snow will fall with winds causing large drifts to form in some places.

Icy conditions could also be an issue for those travelling home for Christmas with temperatures expected to hover around freezing and reaching minus 9C in parts of Scotland.

Large cities like Glasgow, Edinburgh and Newcastle could all be affected by significant snowfall, and major routes over the Pennines between Manchester and Leeds could be disrupted.

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Weather maps show most of the UK will have at least 10 percent chance of snow over the two days, but that figure rockets to around 80 or 90 percent for parts of the far north.

The Met Office forecast for 17-26 December stated: “It now looks probable that there will be at least one short-lived colder interlude next week, with a period of north or northwesterly winds that could bring some snow and ice, especially in the north.”

Hopes of a white Christmas are looking good for some places in Britain, because while it might not snow on the big day, snow cover may linger due to low temperatures.

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A spokesperson for NetWeather told GB News: “While a widespread white Christmas is currently looking unlikely, there is potential for northern parts to have some snow on Christmas Day if Christmas Day coincides with one of the colder north-westerly outbreaks.

“It is expected to be warmer than average in the south, probably by 1 to 2C in southern England, but temperatures are likely to be close to normal in most parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland, and possibly into northern England.”

Currently the Met Office have no weather warnings in place up to Tuesday December 19.

Met Office five-day forecast


A rather cloudy and damp start for many, with the cloud and patchy rain slowly becoming restricted to eastern and central England throughout the day. Elsewhere turning brighter with some sunny spells, but a few showers around the Northern Isles.


Patchy rain continuing to clear southeast England. Otherwise, clear spells initially, but a band of rain will move southeast across Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern England and Wales during the night.


Band of rain continuing to move southeastwards across the country but turning lighter and patchier as it does so. Brighter conditions following with a few showers for northwest Scotland.

Outlook for Friday to Sunday:

Often cloudy and mild throughout the period, with best of any brightness in the east. Largely dry for many, but the far north seeing further spells of wind and rain.

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