Adult film king’s wild sex life including ‘bestiality video’ and pube obsession

A porn king who rivalled Hugh Heffner tried to “shock” the girls who worked for him, telling them to trim their public hair and allegedly making them watch beastiality videos.

A new documentary, The Secrets of Penthouse, follows the exploits of Bob Guccione and his Penthouse magazine, which once outsold PlayBoy. By the time he died in 2010, Guccione was penniless and estranged from his five children – despite having had a fortune of £250million and a New York mansion at the peak of his powers.

He was 79 when he died, but in his life recruited young models referred to as Pets, who he would get involved in varied sexual acts including orgies and Guccione himself. One such woman, Catholic-school-educated Jane Hargrave, has since spoken out about her time there.

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When she spotted an advert looking for models she was just 18. “He had quite a presence. He had a lot of power and this very deep God's voice,” she told theSun.

“He said that he needed to have a look at me. I have to go upstairs into the bathroom, take my clothes off and he's sitting in the bedroom. I stood there naked. I just had to overcome my shyness."

She added: “He asked if I would mind if he trimmed my pubic hair.” Jane also told of how Guccione would invite her to the master bedroom, recalling unusual times they spent together.

“He had a video of women having sex with animals. A girl with a pig. I think he wanted to shock me.”

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