Vladimir Putins horror threat over 16,700mph nuclear-capable missiles

Vladimir Putin has issued a chilling threat to deploy nuclear-capable missiles that can travel at speeds of 16,700 miles per hour over the festive period.

The Russian leader’s generals have moved more than 1,000 strategic missile troops and equipment for exercises in the Ivanovo region northeast of Moscow.

Among the machinery is Russia’s nuclear-capable Yars intercontinental missile system, according to the defence ministry.

Last month, two ballistic missiles launched from the RS-24 Yars “went off course” during drills. However, the Kremlin claimed it was confident in the system’s ability to deliver warheads to their targets.

The missiles can reach speeds of 16,700mph, striking targets up to 7,500 miles away. Each missile can be equipped with 6-10 150-kiloton nuclear warheads.

‌READ MORE: Putin’s ally issues terrifying nuclear warning over ‘unpredictable consequences’

The news comes amid questions about continuing Western aid to Ukraine, particularly from the US, something which appears to have buoyed Putin and his henchmen.

Speaking to the Russian newspaper Izvestia, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said: “The Kyiv regime promised them that if you give us $100billion, we will have a victory on the battlefield.

“The Americans now understand they were duped. There is no victory on the battlefield and, to be sure, Ukrainian forces are rapidly losing their positions. This is an inevitable process.”

He added: “The latest allocation by America of $200million was quite modest. This puts the Kyiv regime in difficulty and we are going to be following this situation.”

Meanwhile, earlier this month, Vladimir Putin declared his intention to run for another presidential term, extending his over two-decade rule, according to state media.

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This announcement was made at the Kremlin after he awarded soldiers who had fought in Ukraine with Russia’s highest military honour, the Hero of Russia gold star, as reported by Russian state news TASS.

The warmonger is edging closer to extending his harsh and unyielding control over Russia for another six years, with an election set for March 17, 2024 – a race he is almost guaranteed to win.

Thanks to constitutional changes he engineered, Putin can seek two more six-year terms after his current one ends next year, potentially allowing him to stay in power until 2036.

High-profile critics who could challenge him in the polls are either imprisoned or living overseas, and most independent media outlets have been shut down.

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