The beautiful village called Europes best hidden gem with crystal clear waters

A beautiful village in Croatia with crystal clear waters has been named one of Europe’s hidden gems.

Veli Losinj is a village on the island of Losinj with a tiny population of just 857.

Once an important port and fishing centre, the village is now a tourist centre that is mainly known for aromatherapy.

It was named by European Best Destinations as one of the continent’s best-hidden gems, promising a visit will make you fall in love with Croatia.

The travel website praised the village for its natural landscapes, blue-water beaches and good food.

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It is hilly and full of narrow streets lined with stone houses and lots of greenery. There are a handful of restaurants and sights including Luka Rovenska marina, the 15th-century Venetian Tower and St Anthony’s Church.

Known as the “Island of Vitality”, Losinj overlooks the Mediterranean and sits at the foot of the Kalvarija mountain and is home to a popular aromatherapy centre 

Among the things to do are walking or cycling on nature trails, visiting historic churches or taking a dip in the sea at one of the area’s beaches or coves.

There are a number of hotels and holiday villas that visitors to the island can stay in.

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The village has an average temperature of 27C in the summer and 8C in the winter.

Losinj can be accessed by ferry from Rijeka, Pula, Zadar, Susak and more. Flights can be taken to airports in Croatia such as Pula, Rijeka and Zadar.

Other areas to explore on the island and its neighbour Cres. It has other neighbouring islands such as Krk and Rab.

Other hidden gems, according to European Best Destinations are Rio Marina and Pietrapertosa in Italy and Torrevieja in Spain.

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