The beautiful country with world’s best beaches and a staggering 7,000 islands

A beautiful country with a ridiculous 7,000 islands, which is home to some of the world’s best beaches should be on your list of next holiday destinations.

Located in Asia, the Philippines is home to some of the most diverse wildlife in the world, including monkeys, whales and the world’s smallest fish – but it is also home to the terrifying box jellyfish, whose sting can be deadly.

The beautiful country is a popular holiday destination because of its natural beauty and electric culture.

Filipinos are known to be incredibly hospitable people who love to sing and dance, always with a smile on their face.

They are great custodians of the paradise they get to call home, with its mountain ranges, beaches and underground rivers.

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One iconic landscape is the stacked rice terraces which weave into the dramatic mountainous terrain.

Often dubbed the ‘stairways to heaven’, visitors rated the Banaue Rice Terraces as 4.5 out of 5 on Tripadvisor out of over 900 reviews, with one calling the landscapes “breathtaking”, adding there were “kind people”, and that it was a “real experience in the nature and villages of Banaue area”.

The island of Palawan is also highly recommended. It is the fifth-largest in the country which is defined by its quaint fishing villages and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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The area is also a biodiversity hotspot, where you can see 20 ton whale shakes. Among the other features in the area include a number of World War Two shipwrecks which you can dive into, plus you can swim in hidden lagoons.

Meanwhile, the island of Boracay is famous for its beach resorts – tourists can go sailing, windsurfing, snorkelling, diving and jet skiing, while the nightlife is not far away. The island was closed for six months in 2018 as the government gave it a major facelift following nightlife and environmental concerns.

Philippines’s capital, Manila, is an extremely densely populated city and was home to the ‘Thrilla in Manila’ fight in 1975 between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier III.

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