Storm Ciaran video shows huge tree ripped from roots as cars covered in rubble


#StormCiaran #Storm #Jersey #ChannelIslands

original sound – StormChaser

Terrifying footage has captured the shocking impact of Storm Ciaran as she grips the nation.

The ferocious storm continues to rage across the UK, leaving destruction and chaos in its wake.

Now a shocking clip shared on TikTok has captured how potentially deadly the consequences of the 110mph winds can be -as the gales in Jersey have completely ripped a huge tree from its roots.

The clip – shared by the StormChaser account – shows the toppled tree, crushed wall and cars almost flattened by the falling rubble.

Fellow TikTok users have commented on the video sharing their concern for anyone who might have been caught up in the “terrifying” incident.

READ MORE: Video shows shoppers wading through street as gardens destroyed in Storm Ciaran

One said: “OMG That must have been terrifying, hope everyone’s safe and well.”

“Blimey hope no one was hurt,” said another.

Another simply said “wow”.

Jersey is one area that’s feeling the full brunt of the storm’s assault on Britain, as huge hailstones fell in the early hours of this morning on Jersey.

The blocks of ice were giant – up to around 5cm wide and strong enough to smash through windows in Trinity according to Suzie Phillips (@aprilfool1979) on X, formerly Twitter.

She said: “Storm Ciaran hasn’t even really got started yet and we have hailstones like this breaking our windows in Trinity #stormciaran #jersey.”

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While @CarlWalker7 took to the social media platform to say that the hailstones in St Helier, Jersey, sounded like “ice bombs”.

He said: “Listen to the sound of ice bombs falling in @StHelierJsy during violent #StormCiaran thunder storm, as captured by my eldest.”

Jersey saw the highest wind speeds in the UK, with gusts of up to 104mph, sending debris flying through the air. Areas of northern France saw up to 115mph.

Storm Ciarán is also causing chaos the length and breadth of Britain with power cuts and commuter chaos.

Today the storm will tracks across the south-east and East Anglia before moving over the North Sea this afternoon.

Yellow and amber weather alerts for wind and rain remain in place across the south coast of England.

There is also a yellow rain alert in Wales and along the east coast from Leeds to Inverness.

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