Russia showcases devastating meteorite missile in chilling threat to West

Russia is reportedly readying a devastating 20,000mph hypersonic Avangard missile that the country’s leader Vladimir Putin has warned can’t be stopped by any defense system.

It’s understood the nuclear-capable weapon, previously described as a “meteorite” by Putin, can be launched from outside the earth’s atmosphere and strike multiple targets anywhere in the world in under 30 minutes.

It is believed to be the only weapon of its kind and Putin has warned that countries in the West don’t have the means to stop it.

The missile has been seen in newly released footage installed in an underground launch silo in the Orenburg region of the country.

The Russian defense ministry said: “An intercontinental ballistic missile is loaded into a silo launcher using the hydraulic mechanism of a special transport-loading unit.

“The most complex technological operations last for several hours.”

Putin previously said: “The Avangard is invulnerable to interception by any existing and prospective missile defense means of the potential adversary.”

It’s believed that the missile will “increase the combat capabilities of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces”.

In 2018, the Russian president claimed as the missile was being developed that “goes at a goal like a meteorite, like a burning ball, like a fireball.”

The news comes after claims from Ukraine’s military intelligence that multiple tests of Russian nuclear-capable missiles have been unsuccessful.

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Experts said that Russia’s failed tests of its Yars and Bulava missiles may indicate serious issues with the country’s nuclear delivery capabilities.

Kyiv claimed Russia “conducted an unsuccessful test of the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile, which is the main element of the ground-based component of the Russian strategic nuclear forces” on November 1.

It said that during the test, the missile veered “off course” as it had done previously during simulated exercises on October 25.

Russia denied the claims and said the launches had been successful.

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