Pretty European city so fed up with drunk Brits it’s trying to ‘ban’ them

A pretty European city has long been fed up with drunk tourists – often groups of young British men – disrupting locals, and it is now testing out a new campaign in a desperate attempt to get them to ‘stay away’.

The northern capital had conducted a hardline approach during 2023 to discourage rowdy visitors who had their eyes set solely on drink, drugs and the red light district.

However, the Dutch powerhouse is now trying a softer method to get friendlier crowds in – after their previous attempts proved largely unsuccessful, reports Euronews.

Amsterdam have announced they want a “different type of visitor” to the ones who “seek sensation and vulgar entertainment” by promoting the city as one for “ideas, initiatives and inspiration”.

In a fairly vague promotional video, Amsterdam’s diversity of people and “views” was promoted as the main reason to visit – without advertising any physical attractions to visit.

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There was a focus on flower bikes, LGBTQ+ culture and green living.

While it emphasises everyone’s right to “be just you”, the city is still retracting its olive branch to those looking to visit the city’s famous cannabis coffee shops and red light district.

Its fresh “renew your view” campaign will therefore remain alongside its “stay away” messaging throughout 2024.

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The initial campaign brought with it new rules to reduce anti-social behaviour – including a weed smoking ban and the early closing of restaurants and food shops in the Red Light District. Meanwhile, the discouragement campaign means those having a distinctly messy weekend might be hit with a fine and criminal record.

City planners hope to relocate much of the goings-on in the Red Light District – which attracts masses of intoxicated tourists leading to an uncomfortable atmosphere for many – to an out-of-town multi-storey building.

There will also likely be a limit on stag dos, pub crawls and river cruises.

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