Moscow residents told to turn to God as shelter shortage sparks carnage fears

Multiple explosions at the Federal Customs Service building in Moscow

Moscow residents have reportedly been advised to “turn to God, leave town” in the event of an attack because of a concerning shortage of bomb shelters.

Russia’s capital has been struck by multiple drone strikes since the start of the war, fuelling fears of potential mass casualties.

Moscow City Duma Deputy Sergei Mitrokhin admitted that while there are numerous shelters available across the city, details about their condition and addresses are unavailable.

He said: “No one knows what condition they are in and where they are. There are no signs, no identification marks.

“If the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports on some work in this direction, then it is, of course, throwing dust in your eyes.”

According to the Mozhem Obyasnit” (We Can Explain) Russian Telegram news channel, local authorities have refused to share the addresses of the air-raid shelters with the public.

Instead, they have allegedly been working on repairing them to allow government officials and members of Vladimir Putin’s party to shelter in in the event of an attack.

Civil activist Ivan Drobotov told the channel: “In every district, there is a civil emergency response centre where people should be told what to do in various emergencies.

“In practice, these points have very exotic opening hours; they don’t talk to people there and assure them that there is no danger. The citizen’s right to receive information is not respected.”

Asking what Moscow residents should do in the event of an attack, activists were reportedly told to “leave town,” “turn to God,” or “buy a dacha”, a traditional country house.

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The channel also found that a majority of Moscow’s bomb shelters remain unusable despite the city’s Mayor last year issuing an order to make them available to the public.

In 2022, the Kremlin ordered western regions of the country to prepare for the possibility of air raids from Ukraine.

After Moscow was targeted in a large-scale drone strike in May, the Government demanded air shelter be upgraded.

Putin also reportedly authorised the construction of a new shelter inside one of Russia’s leading hospitals where his close allies and high-ranking officials are normally treated.

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