Israel has ‘two weeks’ left before support for war with Hamas diminishes

Israel has “two to three weeks” left before international support for the war against Hamas diminishes.

The comments come from Eli Cohen, the Israeli foreign minister, who said that there was a “diplomatic window” for the fighting in Gaza – and it was beginning to close, reports The Telegraph.

He said: “We sense that there is international pressure on Israel. It is not strong but it is getting stronger.”

Last week French president Emmanuel Macron called for a ceasefire and for Israel to stop killing women and children in Gaza.

But a backtrack came as 105,000 marched against anti-semitism in Paris yesterday. Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, said last week that “far too many” Palestinians had died.

Israel has been bombarding Gaza since Hamas fighters carried out its October 7 attacks on southern Israeli communities. Around 1,400 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the Hamas attacks and about 240 people taken hostage.

According to Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry more than 11,000 people, most of them civilians and children, have been killed in the retaliatory strikes by Israel.

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