Hamas terrorists invite Russian journalist for tour of underground tunnels

Russia Today journalist visits the Tunnel Network in Gaza

This is the moment a Russian journalist are given a tour of Hamas’s secret underground tunnels.

Russia Today (RT) journalist, accompanied by members of the terrorist group, was granted access to the intricate network in Gaza.

The visit comes as Israel intensifies its efforts to target these tunnels, which have been described as crucial infrastructure for Hamas and other militant groups.

The rare video footage, captured deep beneath the surface, offers viewers an up-close look at what has been dubbed the ‘Gaza Metro’ – a labyrinth of tunnels used by Hamas to move fighters and supplies across the Gaza Strip.

As the journalist ventures deeper into the subterranean world, he provides valuable insights into the construction and functionality of these covert passageways.

Entering the tunnel system, the RT journalist says: “This military force occupies meter by meter of tunnels.” The visuals reveal the underground terrain where militants carry out their operations, hidden away from the prying eyes of Israeli forces.

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The journalist proceeds to highlight the depth of the tunnels, saying: “The military of the Islamic Jihad movement is 60 meters underground.” This insight into the tunnels’ depths underscores the formidable engineering that has gone into creating this extensive network.

Describing the tunnel’s construction, he adds: “The walls are made of cement, in addition to the arched ceiling, which gives these tunnels a lot of strength. The floor is also generally made of cement.” The robust infrastructure of the tunnels is apparent, stressing the effort and resources invested in their creation.

The video clip emphasises the strategic importance of these tunnels for Hamas and other militant groups in the region. The journalist says: “All military activities come from these places, the group confirms.” This underlines the pivotal role these tunnels play in the organisation’s ability to carry out military operations and evade Israeli surveillance.

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As Israel intensifies its efforts to target the Gaza tunnel network, this glimpse into the underground world provides a unique perspective on a key aspect of the ongoing conflict in the region.

Israel has cited the destruction of these tunnels as a means of preventing arms smuggling and terrorists movement, while Hamas argues that the tunnels are essential for the defence of the Palestinian territories.

Express.co.uk could not independently verify the video.

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