Giant rats ‘the size of chihuahuas’ turn street into no-go area

Giant rats tipped to be the size of dogs are running rampant in the streets, with a no-go area now in place for refuse collectors.

Union bosses are saying Earl Street in Scotstoun, Glasgow, is too dangerous for their workers to head to as rats "the size of chihuahuas" dominate the area.

The move has infuriated residents who deemed their street an "unsightly and unhygienic" place without the help of bin men seemingly scared of the mega vermin.

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Ghastly rodents have since infested the area, and while binmen are refusing to collect from the swarming street, residents are not best pleased.

One unnamed bin staffer claimed the rats were "the size of chihuahuas".

Fuming local Sam Whitehouse, 70, said: "We can’t have our bins left all over the place. It is unsightly and unhygienic practice to have these in front of our houses.

"I’ve seen rats out the back, and there is a big problem with them, but surely all that this is going to achieve is to attract them to the front instead."

GMB convenor for Glasgow cleansing workers, Chris Mitchell, has said the safety of their workers is paramount, and as such the street "overrun by huge rats" has been ruled out.

Mr Mitchell said: "Vermin have been known to bite and leave droppings all over the place. It’s only a matter of time before someone ends up ill because of this.

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"Our members rightly feel that the issue needs to be sorted out and will not be stepping foot into the rear bin areas of Earl Street until the rat infestation is properly dealt with."

Sam argued the "draconian" letters allegedly sent by the union were harsh on elderly residents, but advice to take his rubbish to a recycling plant is difficult as he is "not fit to traipse around" looking for bins not infested by rats.

He added: "We don’t want rats running around, and we certainly don’t want big bins the length of the front street."

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council added: "We are hopeful our pest control treatments at this location are having an impact but we will continue to monitor this situation closely.

"Once the pest problem has been dealt with, bins can be returned to the back court area and will be fully serviced by our staff."

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