Dental nurse’s plot saw naked photos of ex’s new lover plastered across town

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    A dental nurse orchestrated a cruel revenge porn scheme resulting in explicit photos of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend being scattered around their town.

    Mikayla Fox, a 34-year-old single mum, sent her ex a nude photo of his new partner with a threatening message. "'Send this to ya bird. If she ever rings me giving sh*t about not being able to have kids again I will be posting them everywhere,'" the twisted text read.

    Copies of the explicit images, which didn't show the victim's face, were later found on lampposts, telephone poles and even inside and outside her local pub. The victim, a retail sales assistant, was left mortified and unable to sleep, fearing the images had also been sent to her boss.

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    In a statement to the police, she said: "This has made me feel horrendous," and expressed her fear of what might happen next. Fox, from Chadderton, Oldham, admitted to sending the image via Whatsapp "out of frustration", but denied distributing the pictures around the town.

    Facing Tameside magistrates court, Fox pleaded guilty to disclosing private sexual photographs or films with intent to cause distress.

    She managed to avoid jail time, receiving an eight-week prison sentence suspended for two years. The court believed her children would be "significantly harmed" if she was imprisoned and accepted her claim that someone else had spread the intimate photos around the area.

    Prosecutor Miss Kat Smallwood explained: "The background is that the defendant and the victim both have had a relationship with the same person but at a different time. On August 28, a naked image of the victim was sent to a mutual third party on WhatsApp along with a message."

    She added: "The image was later printed and posted on telephone posts and street lamp posts in the local area and obviously it had a huge impact on the victim."

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    The victim was left with sleepless nights and fear of returning to work after her holiday, worried her boss might receive a copy of the image. She was also concerned about what Fox might do next.

    Defending Fox, lawyer Chris Squibbs said: "She has sent the image out of sheer frustration. It is clearly a sensitive image, capable of causing distress. Significantly, she is not found to have any responsibility for the posting of it in the wider community."

    He described it as a "sheer moment of madness."

    Fox was ordered to complete 10 days of rehabilitation with the probation service and pay £239 in costs and victim surcharge.

    Chairman Helen Norman told her: "This matter is serious not least because you are a mum. Think of the example you are setting your children."

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