Brits died with vomit in hair after hotel room next door gassed for bed bugs

A British couple have died in their hotel after the room next door was sprayed for bed bugs, an inquest has heard.

John and Susan Cooper, 69 and 63, from Burnley, had been on a visit to the Steigenberger Aqua Magic Hotel, in Egypt when tragedy struck. The inquest into their deaths, heard at Blackburn Coroners Court, found that a German guest in a room with an adjourning door had reported a bed bug issue to the hotel and they had called in exterminators, who used a pesticide referred to as Lambda.

The inquest heard that the pair had come into contact with a possible "infectious biological agent or toxic chemicals". The door in the middle had been kept locked and the couple had been fit and healthy – their daughter Kelly Ormerod said at the inquest that they had been well the day before.

READ MORE: Blood-thirsty bedbugs feast on family 'all week' in UK caravan 'holiday from hell'

Visit the Daily Star's dedicated bed bug page for all the latest on the little scumbags

She said that her parents, her father a builder and her mother a cashier at a Thomas Cook Bureau de Change, had been found in a bad way. Her daughter, 12-year-old Molly, had initially been staying in the room with them which she said had a damp, yeasty smell.

Mr Cooper took Molly back to Ms Ormerod’s room saying he felt a bit unwell, but when he and Susan failed to emerge at breakfast the next day, Ms Ormerod went to check on them.

She found them in a bad way, her father slumped saying he didn’t feel well and wretching while her mother was “groaning” with vomit in her hair.

She noted a “heavy” smell in the room,” tearfully recounting to the court her father’s “eyes kind of… a glazed, staring look."

Mr Cooper died in the hotel room and Mrs Cooper was taken to a clinic where she became delirious, later rushed to a hospital in an ambulance where she was declared dead.

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