Our country is facing a hurricane of mass migration, warns Suella Braverman

The Home Secretary told the Conservative Party conference there would never be space to house all those who want to come here even if the entire country was concreted over to build more houses, schools and hospitals.

Mrs Braverman said: “The wind of change that carried my own parents across the globe in the 20th century was a mere gust compared to the hurricane that is coming.

“Because today, the option of moving from a poorer country to a richer one is not just a dream for billions of people. It’s an entirely realistic prospect.”

She said: “Nobody can deny that there are far, far more people in poorer countries who would love to move to Britain than could ever be accommodated.

“Even if we concreted over the countryside, turned our cities into one vast building site and erected skyscrapers from Eastbourne to Elgin and from Hull to Holyhead it still wouldn’t be enough.

“Demand will always outstrip supply. I know it. You know it.”

In a speech that led to a long standing ovation, the Home Secretary also branded the Human Rights Act the “Criminal Rights Act” as she claimed it is preventing the Government from ending illegal migration.

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She said the laws, introduced by Tony Blair’s Labour government, have “turbocharged” legal challenges. Politicians have been “too unwilling” to recognise that treaties such as the European Convention on Human Rights and the Refugee Convention need updating, Mrs Braverman said.

She added: “The biggest reason why Conservative governments have struggled to get illegal migration under control is because Labour governments passed laws that inhibit effective action. We struggle to remove foreign criminals. We struggle to get accurate data on the ages of those who claim asylum.

“We struggle even to confiscate smartphones from illegal migrants landing on our beaches. Our country has become enmeshed in a dense net of international rules that were designed for another era.

“And it is Labour that turbocharged their impact by passing the misnamed Human Rights Act. I am surprised they didn’t call it the Criminal Rights Act.”

She hinted again that the Government is willing to leave the European Convention on Human Rights to end the migrant crisis.

Over 25,000 have crossed the Channel in 533 boats this year, heaping huge pressure on the broken asylum system.

Some ÂŁ8million daily is being spent on migrant hotel rooms, with the asylum system costing almost ÂŁ4billion a year.

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Ministers acknowledge Europe has its own migration crisis, with 250,000 asylum seekers arriving this year, while the US is facing problems too on its border with Mexico.

The Home Office hopes to create a “deterrent” by vowing to detain and deport illegal migrants to either their home country, or a safe third country like Rwanda.

But the flagship deportation scheme has been grounded by legal challenges. The Government will next week begin a showdown on the issue at the Supreme Court.

Mrs Braverman, who yesterday also played table football at Bolton Lads & Girls Club, told delegates: “Our Illegal Migration Act, which will come into force in the coming months, now means that the only route to asylum in the UK is a legal route.

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“The Act means that those arriving illegally will be detained and removed, back to their home country if possible, or to a safe third country such as Rwanda. All of this is ultimately a question of political will.

“And be under no illusion, we will do whatever it takes to stop the boats and deter bogus asylum seekers.”

The Home Secretary, who vowed to start shutting down asylum hotels “soon”, condemned celebrities who criticise the Tories’ migration policy. She dubbed the critics the “luxury beliefs brigade” who “sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people that they are morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net zero or habitual criminals”.

She said: “People with luxury beliefs will flock to Labour at the next election because that’s the way to get the kind of society they want. They like open borders. The migrants coming in won’t be taking their jobs. They’re more likely to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes. They love soft sentences. The criminals who benefit from such ostentatious compassion won’t be terrorising their streets.”

She warned Labour in power would open up our borders. Mrs Braverman said: “Each time I have gone to Parliament to improve the law on immigration, Labour has tried to block us. Always aided by their allies in the third sector, some of whom openly declare that they oppose national borders on principle.

“And all of them bleating the same incessant accusation: Racist. Racist. Racist.”

Mrs Braverman said politicians have been “far too squeamish about being smeared as racist to properly bring order to the chaos”.

And ministers will also focus on reducing legal migration to “reasonable levels”.

She said: “That’s our pledge. That’s our plan. And I believe the public will back it.”

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