‘I’m a car expert – Here are three ways owners can add value to their classics’

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Classic car owners can increase the value of their models by adding three things to their historic vehicles, according to a car expert.

EllingsonClassicCars, a dealer for older models based in Minnesota, claimed adding three modern items to their cars may see valuations soar.

Talking on their YouTube channel, a spokesperson said: “Number one. Power steering. We’re all spoiled with power steering and it’s one of the easiest improvements you can put on one of these old cars bar none.”

Power steering is a mechanical device fitted to all modern vehicles which reduces the effort needed to turn the steering wheel.

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The technology was only available as standard in most vehicles by 1970 meaning many older models may not have it installed

It means owners of these models will have to exert increased energy to simply use the car which may put many off snapping them up.

However, installing power steering could be expensive with many providers quoting thousands of pounds for the equipment.

Holden Vintage and Classic is selling a conversion kit for a Mini MPI at a shopping £1,800.

Meanwhile, kits for top-end models such as an Astin Martin DB and Jaguar XK120 are pushing £4,000.

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EllingsonClassicCars added: “Number two, even easier, Radial tyres. So many of the cars we all grew up with old bias tyres.

“Well you put a set of radial tyres on an old car it changes everything. Rides smoother runs better, better gas mileage, you name it, done.”

According to Footman James, radial tyres are able to absorb shocks “far better” than other rubber.

Radial tyres have less cording which “increases comfort” for passengers inside the vehicle.

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Meanwhile, experts claim there is a vast decrease in blow-out punctures caused by overheating.

EllingsonClassicCars concluded: “And number three of course, depending on where you live, air conditioning.

“They don’t even make cars without air conditioning in most cases because you know if you live in a warmer place, boy it’s really nice to have. We’re spoiled but that’s the way it is.

“Those are the three things that I’d do if I had my old car and my choice.”

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