3rd-party insurance: Can it be claimed to treat injured animals?

If yes, perhaps a lot more of us would be more willing to help a stray animal in distress.

BHPian Yesterdaysnews recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I was wondering – if we hit an animal and it doesn’t die and we get it treated at a registered veterinary hospital- can the expenses be claimed under 3rd party insurance?

Has anyone had any experience doing so, please?

Any injury caused to 3rd parties must be covered. So are not animals 3rd party?

Update: Where I came from is really if we or someone else runs over a stray animal, and we rush it to the vet, could we ask for the insurance to cover hospitalisation?

Because if yes, perhaps a lot more of us would be more willing to help a stray animal in distress. Vets are quite expensive nowadays and free shelters that offer care and medicine are overloaded.

Here’s what GTO had to say on the matter:

Any kind of claim under 3rd-party insurance is extremely long-drawn, tedious & cumbersome. This is by design (by the insurance companies) and a large chunk ends up in court. I have usually seen people pressing through the long process only when there is a loss of life/disability and the amounts are thus significant.

Else, people usually use their own insurance or pay for themselves.

Here’s what BHPian condor had to say on the matter:

I don’t think so, though cattle are otherwise considered as property of a person.

TP insurance is to be able to cover the damages faced by the other party (people / their vehicle) in an accident. Insurance companies will mostly cover only the vehicle and the people and not even their belongings in their vehicle. When we see this part, animals/cattle of the opposite party would not be covered under the TP coverage.

Here’s what BHPian thanixravindran had to say on the matter:

I believe FIR is mandatory to claim third-party damages. Either the third party or their legal heir can make the claim. For humans and property, it is easy due to the legality of ownership can be established.

For animals, it may be tricky. I believe in case of pet injury, insurance may ask for proof of ownership like a licensed pet. One has to prove it is due to non-negligence from pet owners like a dog out of a leash on a public road. One can’t claim for stray animals as there is no proof of ownership.

Motor vehicle accident tribunal I believe is for cases for not agreeing on the compensation amount offered by insurance.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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