{"id":119974,"date":"2023-10-13T15:49:14","date_gmt":"2023-10-13T15:49:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/yourclomid.com\/?p=119974"},"modified":"2023-10-13T15:49:14","modified_gmt":"2023-10-13T15:49:14","slug":"new-travel-quiz-will-help-you-decide-on-a-destination-for-a-dream-holiday","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/yourclomid.com\/travel\/new-travel-quiz-will-help-you-decide-on-a-destination-for-a-dream-holiday\/","title":{"rendered":"New travel quiz will help you decide on a destination – for a dream holiday"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dreaming of taking a special holiday, but not sure where to go? Take this quiz to help find the perfect destination for you.<\/p>\n

The online tool will ask you questions about your ideal accommodation, how important food is to you on your travels, how you would rather get around while abroad \u2013 and what you hope to gain from the trip.<\/p>\n

It will then reveal your travel personality, and suggest some locations that would best suit you \u2013 from the Greek Islands or the Algarve in Portugal, to more far-flung destinations like Mexico, Bangkok, or even Australia.<\/p>\n

It comes as a study of 2,000 Brits revealed the top 40 dream holiday destinations, with the USA topping the list \u2013 followed by the Maldives, Australia, and New Zealand.<\/p>\n

Other must-visit locations include Japan, Hawaii, Canada, and Italy, with Iceland and the Seychelles rounding off the top 10.<\/p>\n

And six in ten of those polled already have a special trip in mind that they hope to take, with their \u201cdream holiday\u201d taking an average of four years to plan.<\/p>\n

But a fifth of those, over the age of 45, have been planning such a trip since they were 18 \u2013 with 67% saving it for much later in life.<\/p>\n

Reasons for this include being more financially comfortable the older you get, having less dependencies, and appreciating things later in life.<\/p>\n

The research, and quiz, were commissioned by specialist travel insurance provider, Staysure, whose CEO and founder, Ryan Howsam, said: \u201cMost of us have that one special trip we\u2019ve been dreaming of since we can remember, and it\u2019s great to see that people have been planning it for a long time.<\/p>\n

\u201cIt\u2019s only as we get older that it starts to become more attainable, as certain barriers start to come down \u2013 such as having more free time, or less responsibilities. Holidays are so important to us, and sharing new experiences with family and friends is priceless.\u201d<\/p>\n

The study also found that the average Brit has been on 23 holidays \u2013 and, when thinking about their dream destination, 41% said it\u2019s a place they\u2019ve wanted to visit since they were young, although 21% discovered theirs online, and instantly felt they wanted to go.<\/p>\n

Ideally, the trip would last an average of three weeks, and involve visiting eight different sights. The hunt for the northern lights in Finland topped the list of \u201cdream experiences\u201d, followed by a safari in Kenya, and soaking in the healing minerals of the blue lagoon in Iceland.<\/p>\n

And visiting Australia to see Uluru, and snorkelling in the famous Great Barrier Reef, also featured as must-do activities.<\/p>\n

However, 74% still aren\u2019t sure on all the details of their dream holiday yet, even though they often think about it.<\/p>\n

More than a quarter are already saving specifically for their dream holiday, and regularly add money to an account \u2013 with 18-24-year-olds leading the way with this (43%).<\/p>\n

But when it comes to genders, men are almost twice as likely as women to be topping up the holiday fund (35%, versus 18%).<\/p>\n

Of all those polled, 32% aren\u2019t yet financially organised enough to be putting money aside, but said they do plan on saving for their trip in the not-too-distant future.<\/p>\n
